Thursday 1 August 2013

With light weights you will have more energy to restore

But in fact what's the difference what you move? With light weights you will have more energy to restore and better to reduce rest time between sets. You can never relax by and large, and using supersets, i.e. while some muscles relax, others work. During drying, there is no purpose to damage the muscle fibers they will not grow, because due to lack of sarcoplasmic around your damage will not be the wound will just be delayed.

The goal is fat loss with settled hormonal levels. After such a workout, fat burning process will last another 12 hours, so it makes sense to split into two hour workouts to 30 minutes - in the morning and evening. Background appears after 20 minutes of monotonous light load. It's so easy. Exercise is performed with pure technique, slowly, controlling the speed. If you do too quickly, its acceleration you facilitate lifting weights, in fact worsens the desired result.You can get More sources here:

At the end of each set, when you feel a slight burning sensation in the last two iterations, it is necessary to slow down even more, which will significantly increase the microdamages muscles. And YET! SOMETIMES! You should stand still! a second or two!, if you want to strengthen the result! BUT! This should be done only occasionally! To augment the result and then if you have extra energy! Freezing behavior during the last repetition, it is called professionally-STATIC!

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